In der Hosenrolle als Enrico brillierte die schlanke Mezzosopranistin Anna Bonitatibus. Sie gab der Titelfigur die nötige kämpferische Ausstrahlung und überzeugte in jeder Szene.
Enrico di Borgogna, Festival Donizetti — Bachtrack
Anna Bonitatibus, the seamstress-turned-lead-singer, was splendid as the outsider who invested sincere effort into her hastily-cast role, making the best of it against a backdrop of professionals for whom the performance had long since taken a back seat to their own self-serving interests. She was busy studying the part when she was not on the stage within the stage, while the impresario was sweating profusely as he dealt with missing props, singers not showing up, and other visibly annoyed singers. She displayed a burnished, deep timbre, sparkling coloratura and wonderful phrasing, confirming her status as the most interesting mezzo of her generation. Her cavatina, reminiscent of Tancredi’s, brought the house down.
Enrico di Borgogna, Festival Donizetti — Forumopera
Enrico di Borgogna, Festival Donizetti — L’Ape musicale
Buttata a forza sul palcoscenico, in un debutto obbligato per l’assenza imprevista dell’interprete designato (o designata) la sartina teatrale che veste i panni maschili del protagonista sembra l’unica, alla fine, a crederci. Resta sola sul palco, magari perde anche un po’ la testa, ostinata nel portare a termine il suo compito. Anna Bonitatibus ne restituisce a meraviglia il carattere, in un crescendo di convinzione dall’esordio più timido all’epilogo pugnace, identificandosi man mano con Enrico, scopertosi erede della contea di Borgogna e deciso a ottenere la mano dell’amata Elisa.