While several other mezzo sopranos we all can name have for years dominated the world’s stages and recording studios performing baroque music, Italian Bonitatibus has more quietly also been doing marvelous work in the same repertoire. She has released a number of solo recordings, the most impressive being her superb two-CD Semiramide anthology.
Fun and games: gold-medal mezzo Anna Bonitatibus
While several other mezzo sopranos we all can name have for years dominated the world’s stages and recording studios performing baroque music, Italian Bonitatibus has more quietly also been doing marvelous work in the same repertoire. She has released a number of solo recordings, the most impressive being her superb two-CD Semiramide anthology.
Grandiose „Agrippina“-Premiere in Hamburger Staatsoper
Zu lange waren die Tore der Hamburger Staatsoper geschlossen, doch nun ö!neten sie mit einer famosen Inszenierung. Händels „Agrippina“ ist das Beste, was die Hansestadt seit langem sehen durfte.
Protagonistin Anna Bonitatibus die Show stehlen. Nur ging es nicht um Show.
Im Verlauf des Abends bewies die italienische Mezzo-Sopranistin eminente Qualitäten – grandios in der Arie „Pensieri, voi mi tormente“, dem Seelenbild einer von Angst und Schuldgefühlen geplagten Frau. In der Arie „Hò un non sò che“ brillierte sie ebenso wie die vier Solo-Instrumentalisten des superben Ensemble Resonanz.